and trying not to look back, so as to prevent my eye from tearing.
Sunday, July 11, 2010

products of the camera
-Memory Cards
-White Balance

Mission statement
My Cameras mission is to "capture the nuances of the heart like joy, sorrow, wonder, hope... and vividly express them in the visible world". The challenge lies "In the heart of the image" and cameras dare to take it on. we believes in delivering absolute quality through its advanced imaging techniques and the cameras speak for it.

Introductions of my business
Welcome to Sunshine camera shop i will be selling
all kinds of camera like Digital camera, Nikon, Olympus
and cannon camera i choose to sell camera it because
photography is my passion since last year due to my Bali
trip i was selected and according to my teacher i took
the picture at Bali was pretty well and from there i enjoy
taking pic and all kind of movement

History and background
This system was then replaced by a box which used a lens. This lens helped in focusing the image and adjusting the amount of light entering the camera. This also used a mirror which helped in flipping the image right side up and hence obtaining an erect/straight picture became possible.

But recording the picture forever was still a challenge. The first picture was taken on a metal surface covered with chemical called bitumen. At the areas of the metal plate which were exposed to the sun, bitumen became hard. After washing, it sustained a permanent image. This faint picture, which took 8 hours to expose, was taken by a Frenchman, Joseph Niépce in 1827.

Since then, many people have successfully tried to improvise on the working of cameras. In 1890s George Eastman's Roll Film Camera made clicking of a series of pictures in one time, possible.


Siti Jaslina
Prefer As
Ina Or Jas
17 Years Old
Photography, Sports and Music
is My Passion :D
P/S: If You Hate Me Get Off My Blog


A matching tagboard here, from cbox or shoutmix.
It's all up to you.


*here is just also to showcase the effects of the bold and underlined words,*
mineral Alluminium
mineral Brass
mineral Copper
mineral Gold
mineral Iron
jewel Opal
jewel Rudy
jewel Sapphire
mineral Steel
mineral Zinc


July 2010

